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Bella is doing great & is fitting in perfectly. She knows this is her home now. Her & Bentley play together and share their food. Bella ventures throughout the house on her own now and she comes & goes through the doors with no hesitation. She still has anxiety about the stairs that lead down to the basement, but we’re working on it. She’s can make it down three steps now, before she runs back up and that’s much better than she did the first few days. I think with her missing toes, she’s not as confident with her balance. The cracks on the pad of her foot are healing with daily olive oil treatments, but I’m still wondering if it would be easier on her to have her whole leg amputated, since she spends 1/2 of her walking time holding it up. We’ll give it a lot more time and see though.

We’ve had a lot of snow lately and I’ve been putting a sock and dog boot on her foot before she goes outside. She walks on all fours with the dog boot on when she’s outside in the snow.  When I let her out without the dog boot, she refuses to walk in the snow, so I think she likes the extra warmth & cushion for her foot.  Now, if I could only convince her that she doesn’t have to wait for me to come outside with her for her to go potty! lol.

She’s going in for a dental on Monday and she’ll probably have to have a back tooth pulled (it’s almost black). Hopefully, that will be all she’ll have to have done.  She’s really a sweetheart and I’m so glad we found each other!

3 Responses to “Bella is feeling more at home”

  1. YodasMom says:

    When I first adopted Yoda, he didn’t go into the basement for weeks, maybe months even. He had four legs then. He just seemed unsure about the basement. Could be that Bella’s hesitation has nothing to do with her balance.

    Eventually, Yoda decided to go down and check it out and now it’s his favorite place to chew bones and toys.

  2. AMidnightSoul says:

    Yes, she does fine with the stairs going into the house from the front door, which are wide stairs. She also does fine with the steps going out the back door, as long as she is going down, but she hesitates when going up, which has a narrower view than going down & out the door. I think you’re right and it’s just the narrow view she doesn’t like. I’m sure I’ll get her down them soon though.

  3. jakesmom says:

    I’m so glad that Bella is starting to feel more at home. She is so lucky to have found wonderful and loving ‘pawrents’ as yours!!! Good luck with her dental next week!!!

    Jake’s Mom

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